RAEL Students

Students in RAEL a diverse group, with interests and backgrounds from all over the world, and all over the academic, civil society, government service, and commercial universe.  Please look through the RAEL projects, publication lists, and student pages to learn more about this remarkable group.

Annelise Gill-Wiehl

At ERG Annelise has continued the study of community energy solutions, with both cooking and community extension services focal areas for her analytic and field studies. Annelise Gill-Wiehl studied environmental engineering and international development studies at the University of Notre Dame.  There, she worked with the Keough School of Global Affairs’ Associate Dean for Policy […]

Bo Li

Bo is a doctoral student in Electrical Engineering  at Chongqing University.  His work is focused on the integration of renewable energy and of electric vehicle fleets into the Chinese power grid.

Gbemisola “Gbemi” Akinsipe

My interests range from the integration of renewables into existing grids,the possibility of indigenes (especially women) in rural communities producing their own power or at least understanding its workings and the interaction between science and policy making in developing countries. I would love to study in the Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) or the […]

Isa Ferrall

Isa Ferrall is a MS/Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group and Renewable and Appropriate Energy Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. She is interested in the impact of renewable energy on rural electrification, global development, and the domestic energy sector. Previously, Isa gained experience on both the technical and applied sides of […]

Jess Carney

Jess Carney is interested in understanding how sustainable energy integration impacts power grids and electricity markets. She received her undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins University in 2018, where she majored in Environmental Science and minored in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. She has held internships at the Independent System Operator or New England (ISO-NE), studying environmental […]

Joyceline Marealle

Joyceline is a Tanzanian who holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Rochester. Her research interest lies in energy decentralization, diversification, economics and policy making to empower women and improve the standard of living in East Africa. She currently works at the Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory on Off grid systems […]

Nia Novella Jones

A recent graduate of Northeastern University with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering with minor in Law & Public Policy. I intend to research the intersection of renewable energy technology, education, and specifically prison education programs focused on STEM. Ultimately, my goal is to work with formally incarcerated citizens as they prepare for re-entry into society. […]

Guangyu Qin

Guangyu joins us for a year from North China Electric Power University, where he has already worked on clean energy markets and wind energy forecasting. At RAEL (and LBL) he will be working on aggressive decarbonization pathways for China, and the expansion of clean energy services in heavy industry. His recent paper on day-ahead wind […]

Sam Miles

Sam Miles is a Ph.D. stu­dent in the Energy and Resources Group, and in the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Energy Lab at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley. His research focus is at the intersection of the scalability challenge for electricity mini-grids and the socio-economic characteristics of urbanization in Africa, particularly for the artisans and entrepreneurs who […]

Kenji Shiraishi

Kenji is a Ph.D. stu­dent with the Goldman School of Public Policy and a researcher in the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory. His cur­rent research inter­ests include empirical studies and quantitative modeling on the effectiveness of renewable energy policies in developing and developed countries for effective decision making. He is also interested in developing better […]

Samira Siddique

Samira Siddique is an MS/PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group. Her studies focus on the interconnected social, economic, and physical processes of urbanization and climate change in Asia. She was previously an international development researcher at Mathematica Policy Research, where her work included an evaluation of the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas […]

Julia Szinai

Julia stud­ied eco­nom­ics and Span­ish at UC Berke­ley as an under­grad­u­ate, and real­ized her inter­est in energy and envi­ron­men­tal issues while a research assis­tant at the UC Energy Insti­tute. After con­sult­ing in the energy and finance sec­tors, she worked at Pacific Gas & Elec­tric fore­cast­ing elec­tric gen­er­a­tion and its cost for cus­tomer rates. She focused on […]

Xiaoli Zhang

Xiaoli is a PhD student in the School of Environmental & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China She has a range of research interests, including the Low-carbon transition pathway of China’s power sector, the job creation potential of the new green energy economy, and the role of energy storage in decarbonization in China and Europe. […]

Hilary Yu

Hilary received her B.A. in Government and Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the latter, from Cornell University, where she graduated in 2015. At ERG, Hilary is interested in exploring the science-law nexus and the factors – political, economic, and social – that inform the translation of science into legislation. […]

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085
Email: ergdeskb@berkeley.edu


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