Hao is a postdoctoral researcher in RAEL as well as in the Department of Earth System Science at Tsinghua University. She holds a double-degree Ph.D. from Beijing Normal University and Aalborg University, specializing in environmental economics and environmental planning respectively. Hao’s research applies interdisciplinary methods to analyze the pollution sources, health impacts and external cost of air pollution in China.
Hao is deeply interested in environmental policies and their effectiveness at balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability. She is currently collaborating with Professor Zhang Qiang, Professor Liu Zhu and Professor Daniel Kammen. Her postdoctoral research investigates energy consumption in developing countries and its impacts on CO2 emissions and human health.
She is lead researcher in the UC Berkeley-Tsinghua U‑Duke University partnership on the health impacts of decarbonization of the power sector in China, California, and elsewhere.
For her publications: click here.
Current position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of British Columbia