AlumniPh.D Noah Kittner

Noah Kit­tner is now a Pro­fes­sor in both City and Region­al Plan­ning, and Glob­al Pub­lic Health at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na, Chapel Hill.

Noah Kit­tner was a PhD stu­dent in the Ener­gy and Resources Group at UC Berke­ley and researcher in the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry. After grad­u­at­ing with a BS in Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence from UNC-Chapel Hill (high­est hon­ors), Noah was a Ful­bright Fel­low at the Joint Grad­u­ate School for Ener­gy and Envi­ron­ment in Bangkok, Thai­land research­ing tech­ni­cal and pol­i­cy aspects of solar elec­tric­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty assess­ment. Recent­ly, he co-authored a Thai Solar PV Roadmap with col­leagues at Chu­la­longko­rn University.

He has worked on renew­able ener­gy issues in a vari­ety of con­texts, includ­ing mea­sur­ing land use change and bio­mass fuel uses in west­ern Ugan­da, installing solar pan­els in Mex­i­co, and elec­tric­i­ty grid mod­el­ing in Koso­vo. He is sup­port­ed through the Berke­ley Cen­ter for Green Chem­istry as a SAGE-IGERT fel­low, Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion as a Grad­u­ate Research Fel­low, USAID, and has won an award from the Nation­al Go Solar Foun­da­tion for his work on solar photovoltaics.

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085