
Community Organizations 

We love contributing to the public good with other great organizations!  Thus, we have a lot of friends. Please check out the wonderful work of:

Fellowships in Energy and Sustainability

We also know that it can be hard to enter and stay in this field. We have complied a number of opportunities in the following spreadsheet document. It can be downloaded in three formats, Open OfficeMicrosoft Office, and pdf. ( OODOC PDF

Internship Opportunities

These internships are UNPAID because it takes us significant time and effort to coordinate working with you and ensure we meet our mutual needs (yours, ours, society’s etc). What we do provide is guidance, templates, and a supportive environment. We expect a lot of work and a lot of laughter; we all pitch in for constant snacks and ways to rejuvenate each other. If this sounds like an environment you could also thrive in, please send us an email with your interests, your resume and if you/your university is willing to provide any funding for you.

Build Your Resume: Intern at the CoolClimate Network Fall 2012


At present, our primary needs include:


You may be new to the business world but are charming and have lots of creative ideas on how to attract and retain funders for the
Cool California Challenge You’re a pro at online social networking, love both cold calling and developing longer-term relationships with companies doing good deeds that you think should be involved in our unique State-wide campaign. Please e-mail to find out more.



We need to re-brand to better show folks how we research to create tools in order to support programs. We know what we want to highlight – and are open to suggestions but just don’t have to implement these into a website. We also know what coding best practices are and will make sure you follow them… so it could be good learning experience for those of you who know the basics of HTML and CSS and just ready to learn to theme (i.e. bringing Drupal and its PHP quirks into your toolkit). Please contact to find out more.

API ADDICT (unpaid)

We have data that the world wants to use, and we want to share, but we need to set up an
infrastructure to do so. In this internship you would have the opportunity to open up our GHG footprint data using best practices on open and linked data. The CoolClimate Team has numerous models and tools of GHG emissions at zipcode-level granularity that we want to grow, and the world to be able to use, but we need help making this dream come true. We know the basic best-practices, but just don’t have the time to implement the project. If you do, this would be a wonderful contribution to society, and look excellent on your resume. You don’t need to be a coding genius but relevant experience with basic
standards would be ideal. Please contact to find out more.



You’re a motivated undergraduate media studies or graduate school of journalism student looking to build their resume and make a real impact on a live, on-the-ground program with journalism genius and editorial imagination. Assistant editors with the CoolCalifornia Challenge generate buzz, interest and excitement around the challenge to maintain momentum that is crucial to supporting community-based sustainability efforts. Tell the Challenge story through conducting interviews, following up on story leads, generating story angles and writing Challenge news updates, blogs, social media posts and newsletter content tailored to various audiences and goals.



Take a look at  and It should be obvious that we need aesthetic aid. We could use both web
and print students, but we have most experience on user-interface and interaction design (not that you could tell by the tools that are
currently displayed ;)). While we can offer your resources on best-practice web-design, we’re hoping that you’ll be able to bring your aesthetic eye to a variety of print and web media. This would be a fantastic and varied portfolio builder for numerous good causes. Please to find out more.

MARKETING MANAGER for the CoolClimate CoolCalifornia Challenge (unpaid)

You may be new to the marketing community but you’re a self-starter and have lots of creative ideas on how to support  the Cool California Challenge You’re a pro at online social networking, are or want to become familiar with the adobe suite and love coming up with clever slogans,
graphics and guerrilla advertising ideas. If you don’t know about behavior change science you’re a quick learner and are ready to read a few books to get on board with this team’s fun-loving, but behavior-changing game-plan.  Most importantly, you’re super excited to be involved in developing  our unique State-wide campaign. Please contact to find out more.

COMMUNITY LIAISON for the CoolClimate CoolCalifornia Challenge (unpaid)

Are you interested in sustainable communities, climate action plans, and good ol’ fashioned fun? If so, then this is THE opportunity for you to apply proven behavioral psychology techniques to garner interest, gather people, and get results for the larger environmental good in the CoolCalifornia Challenge! The Challenge is a lively, innovative competition between eight California cities to reduce their community-wide carbon footprints and build more vibrant and viable communities. You will be THE nexus between between UC Berkeley, Cool City Officials, Volunteers, and Participants. Using a Community Based Social Marketing framework, you will be assisting one Cool City (Davis, Sacramento, Tracy, or Chula Vista) with various responsibilities such as social outreach, event coordination, targeted messaging, and more! Set your own schedule in a fun work atmosphere, flexible hours, and an opportunity for excellent recommendations while you learn new skills and build your professional experience. We’re located on the UCB campus in the CITRIS building and have lots of friends. If you’re interested in joining the CoolCalifornia Challenge team, please send us an email with a cover letter your interests and your resume.


In exchange for some hard work, on your own schedule, we would provide a fun work atmosphere, flexible hours, and excellent recommendations. We’re located on the UCB campus in the CITRIS building and have lots of friends. These internships are perfect learning experiences to enhance your resume while learning new skills. We make sure you work with us to come up with a list of skills you’ll learn by the end of the summer (we have some ideas ;)), and then help you get them, via weekly to do lists and check-ins according to the number of hours you’re willing to commit. There are also numerous potential avenues for advancement and personalized experiences. Please contact us to learn more. If you’re a graphic designer and want to make what we’ve got better – we’re all for it, just work with us to help us meet our primary needs too. The more you give the better our recommendations will be (but we’re pretty darn nice to begin with ;)!

For questions or suggestions, please contact

Specific Projects 

Cool Climate Network

Want to create a peer-reviewed, transparent and accurate carbon calculator for your country’s actors (individuals, businesses, households, local governments, “communities” etc…) ? We want to help! Through the CoolClimate Consortium ( we would like to recruit train and support interns from all continents to use our data and tools (in conjunction with their own unique local sources) to develop their own country-specific GHG calculators to facilitate decision support across the globe.

Although we plan to collect data on over 100 countries in which to implement our calculators, and welcome applications from all continents, based on our current projects, we are especially interested in researchers from the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Netherlands
  • Singapore
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom


from where we need folks!

Opinion Editorials & Policy Briefs

We encourage our students to make their opinions known and participate in their communities. We have included links to some of their work here:


Open Education Resources

Access to Published Information

We support open access journals and open educational resources at all levels of achievement. Check out Environmental Research Letters, a journal that allows ANYONE to see it’s articles and the data attached to each publication.  Unfortunately, ERL requires a cost placed on authors to publish in this peer-reviewed outlet , but these fees are of little consequence to academic institutions and are often waived.

We also try to post all of our articles via this website. If you’re looking for an article we’ve published, that you can’t seem to find, let us know, and we’ll do our best to get it to you (and others!)

Turning our Students into Teachers

One of the best ways to master material is to teach it. Some of our students also share their findings and lesson designs via our course websitesthese portals:

A larger listing can be found here: and a coordinated, worldwide effort to increase and connect these distributed knowledge portals is in the process of being outlined. (Open can mean a lot of different things to different segments of the population and open access, does not necessarily connote “free as in beer”. We do not want to get into this long, complex and crucially important debate here. However, we do want to point you to some varied resources about how to choose how to publicize your work.)

As always, we try to work hard, play nice, and do our best…. please let us know if you have other suggestions we should incorporate!

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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