NEWS KQED Newsroom with Thuy Vu: the Climate Action Summit (TV)

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Climate Action Summit

San Fran­cis­co Hosts Glob­al Cli­mate Summit
Just days after Gov. Jer­ry Brown signed a bill requir­ing California’s ener­gy sources to be com­plete­ly clean and renew­able by 2045, thou­sands of peo­ple gath­ered in San Fran­cis­co for the Glob­al Cli­mate Action Sum­mit. The three-day event, fea­tur­ing politi­cians from around the world, CEOs from com­pa­nies like Star­bucks and Sales­force, and celebri­ties like Har­ri­son Ford, was launched to show that cities, states, regions and indus­tries are step­ping up to meet the car­bon-cut­ting tar­gets of the 2015 Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment despite the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back envi­ron­men­tal protections.


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